wooden crate picture

Screen Printing on Crates and Boxes for promotion and decor

Screen printing on crates


Here at North Rustic Design, one of our unique practices involves screen printing on our traditional solid pine and oak crates. What first started with a customer request for their company logo imprinted on their crate order soon blossomed into a full-fledged division of our company.  Fortunately, our graphic designer here at NRD had well over 20 years of experience working in the screen printing industry when he came on board with us and so with his help and the combined efforts of the entire staff, we set up our printing department. We are often asked about our process and we thought it might be fun to share some information with our customers.

When we receive a request for an imprinted logo or design from a customer, the first step is to coordinate with the client regarding their artwork. While most companies are already in possession of their own corporate logo, we do offer design services for those who don’t.

Once we receive the art file from them, usually via email, we go to work on mocking up the art to send to them for approval. Once the proof is accepted, the design is sized to fit on whatever product we are constructing and then transferred to a film positive.

Once the film is prepared, a silk screen is pulled from our inventory. Depending on the detail and overall type of design we are printing, we select a screen with a certain mesh count that supports the art. The screens are coated with a light sensitive emulsion and the film and screen are placed into an exposure unit. Once the time of exposure is calculated, the screen is flooded with high intensity light in a process that we call ‘burning’. This process will harden the emulsion where light passes through and stop the light where the dark areas of the film, the design itself, blocks it.

Once the screen is exposed for the correct amount of time, it is taken out and washed with a gentle spray of water. This opens up the mesh where the design was blocking the light and creates a negative image on the screen. The screen is then dried and all the areas of the screen, other than the design itself, are taped off and readied for printing. The prepared screen is placed onto a print table and clamped into place.

We then prep all the boards for printing by carefully selecting them and sanding them to a smooth finish and staining them if the job requires. These boards are then placed, one at a time in a guide that maintains the proper positioning of the print and a consistent off contact height so that each and every print is the same.

The screen is then ‘loaded’ with a special type of ink that is specifically designed for use on wood and that once cured is totally waterproof and has a hard finish. We offer many different colors of inks, depending on your logo and the color of crate you desire.  The screen is dropped onto the wooden panels or boards and the ink is forced through the image area with a tool called a ‘squeegee’. Like everything else in the process, there are several types of squeegee durometers depending on the type of ink and the design itself.

The printed boards are then set aside and dried. Once they are dry and ready to assemble they go to the shop to be constructed.

As you can see, it’s quite a process. The finished product, however is a fantastic way to advertise your brand in a new and unique way that is only available from your friends at North Rustic Design.

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